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Introducing the Ghana Scholars Associate: Grace Marfo

My name is Grace Marfo, and I’m from Kumasi, Ashanti Region of Ghana. I am a graduate from the University for Development Studies. I did national service with the Ghana Statistical Service and have done internships with developmental organizations including Exponential Education. I have been volunteering with Expo since September 2014. I have just transitioned into the position of Ghana Scholars Associate.

This position deals with paying school fees for students who are on Expo scholarship, visiting them in their various schools, knowing their problems, and helping them with it. I happened to be an old student of Osei Kyeretwie SHS which is one of the schools our scholars are attending.

With this position I will also be responsible for raising funds to support Expo scholars and also updating students database, financial information among others. I still will be attending Girls LEAP programmes to motivate girls to go high. I really enjoy working with Expo because development and education is something I have a passion for, hence I studied Development Education as my bachelors degree.

I really like to motivate young ones and encourage them. I always want to learn new things and networking is my priority. I will like to travel to other continents to learn new things to impact generations. My hobby is watching movies and learning lessons from them.


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