Introducing Expo's new graduate intern

Ete sen? Hello, my name is Isabel and I will being working with Exponential Education this summer as a graduate intern. My official title is Performance Evaluation and Knowledge Management consultant. In other words, I am going to be interviewing staff, participants, and stakeholders to learn about both Expo’s work and community perceptions of the organization. My work will be used to advise Expo on next steps to improve staff support, institutional knowledge, and organizational growth.
I am originally from North Carolina but have spent the last few years in Austin, Texas. I have a B.A. in International Relations from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and I am currently working on my M.A. in Global Public Policy from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas. In addition to my studies, I work as a graduate research assistant for a study on Texas home visiting programs with the Child and Family Research Partnership. My past professional experience includes teaching ESL and GED classes in the Czech Republic, South Korea, Chile, and the United States. I have also worked as the director of an adult literacy program and as a project manager to build libraries and implement literacy programs for a Title I charter school. However, I believe my time as a youth development volunteer with Peace Corps El Salvador is the experience that I will most likely use to guide my fieldwork here in Ghana.
My hobbies include swimming, yoga, hiking, throwing pottery, SCUBA diving, and traveling. At home in Austin, I love taking care of my garden and spending time with my fiancé, Jesse. I have traveled and lived in 15 countries around the world, but my work with Expo will bring to the continent of Africa for the first time in my life!
I believe in the change that occurs through education. I think successful international educational initiatives are based on four concepts: strong curriculum, cultural awareness, community support, and program evaluation. Exponential Education is at an exciting 5 year mark with their work in Ghana and I am thrilled to be a part of it.